Label Every Box

Label Every Box

Remember that memory card game? It’s hard to find those two matching elephants in rows and rows of cards. Sometimes you even end up with a lion where a giraffe…
Got Boxes?

Got Boxes?

Your budget, your belongings and your schedule will thank you for spending the extra time in advance determining the amount of boxes you’ll need. Start by taking a thorough inventory…
Keep Track of your Valuables

Keep Track of your Valuables

Moving can be a stressful time, especially when it comes to keeping track of your valuables. One way to avoid the loss of valuables during a professional move is to…
Trash Bags for Packing is not Recommended

Trash Bags for Packing is not Recommended

It's generally not recommended to use trash bags for packing your belongings when hiring professional movers. Trash bags can cause various issues during the moving process, including: Damage and Tears:…