Painting Your New Home

So, you’ve just moved to a new house or apartment and it’s time to redecorate it a little bit. But in order to do so, you’ll have to start with the basics, which means you’ll likely need to paint your new home. This step is a must when you move into a new space, no matter if it is rental of your own. You need to make it lovable, and enjoyable. You need to make it feel like home. So, let’s start!

How to paint your new home the right way?
You can look at this from two angles: interior and exterior. You don’t want to start a project that you can’t finish so it’s wise not to tackle more than you think you can handle at once. Many people don’t know how hard it can get, especially if you plan exterior painting work. And it can get quite pricey, so make sure you consider all angles before making your final decision.

A professional painter might seem like more expensive option, but is it really? Well, no. If you hire a professional to help you with this task you will actually save some money. How? A professional painter will do the job quickly and efficiently. Also, you will avoid making some common mistakes that can cost you a lot of money this way. And who doesn’t like that? Everybody does. So – call your house painter right away!

What’s the best time to paint my new home?
Well, the best time would be summer. And before you move in, if possible. This way, your house will be ready for you, and you will finish all other moving-related tasks faster. No one wants to paint their walls with boxes in the middle of the house. Or once you unpack. So, make sure you paint your new house right before you move in.

What about painting the interior after I move in?
Painting your walls after moving in isn’t as simple as when your new house is empty, but it certainly isn’t impossible. All you have to do is to protect your belongings in advance. This can be done with ease, so don’t worry. However, you will need to do it right. Protecting your items is of utmost importance. If you need to temporarily store your belongings, do it! Renting a storage unit for some time might seem a bit expensive, but damaging your belongings might be even more pricey.

How do I choose the right color?
Think about it… and then once more before you make your final decision. Choose your colors wisely because they’re going to be there for a while. So make sure you make the right call. Ask for other people’s advice and opinions. Your family and friends might have some good ideas, so make sure you listen to suggestions from those around you and stay open-minded about your options.

You can also go online and look for other people’s ideas and inspiration. Or you can even hire a designer to help you take care of this task. Whatever you do, make sure you think twice before you pick the final color palette.

Remember: white is the new black
If you like basic colors and tones, white is the right choice for you. It is simple. And clean. It fits every space and it really does look nice. At all times. You can easily fit it in any kind of design, and even if you choose to redecorate your whole new house – you can just add a detail here and there and keep the white on your walls.

Consider bright colors
If you are ready to stop playing it safe – it is time to paint your new house, and to choose some bright colors to do so. Play. Let your imagination decide what is going to happen next. Combine different colors. Enjoy your house painting project to the fullest!

Don’t ignore darker shades
If you aren’t a professional, or don’t really have some experience, we advise you to stay away from the darker tones. They can make your house seem depressing, and believe us – you don’t want this to happen. So, if you aren’t sure – stay away from such colors.

What about wallpaper?
We say yes to all the wallpaper! You don’t have to choose it for your whole new house, or even walls. You can play with it and get creative.

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