How to Pack Shoes

When packing shoes for a move, you may be tempted to throw them in a box and go. But taking the time to pack them properly can help prevent scuffing, misshaping and other damage. You’ll need only a few supplies: small or medium boxes (or the original box if available), packing paper, Bubble Wrap®, packing tape and a marker.

1.    Stuff packing paper inside each shoe to help them keep their shape (avoid using newspaper because the ink can leave stains).
2.    Wrap one shoe completely in packing paper, then add the second shoe to the same sheet and finish wrapping. (Pro tip: Consider wrapping heels with Bubble Wrap instead to protect the heel from breaking during travel).
3.    Tape the bundle.
4.    Layer the wrapped bundles in a moving box, placing heavier bundles and shoes in their original boxes on the bottom (we recommend not exceeding 40 pounds per box).
5.    Fill gaps with packing paper to prevent shifting.
6.    Tape and label the box.

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